Eating out case studies
What would you do?
Explore two scenarios you may encounter if you have diabetes and you’re eating out.
Find out more about each person by clicking the arrows below the pictures and then let us know what you would do if you were in their shoes. You can post your responses at the botttom of the page. You will also be able to see what others would do.
If you’re not comfortable sharing your thoughts, don’t worry! Feel free to take a look at what others have said. Click on the arrows under the pictures to reveal the scenario.
Add your contribution and then click on the arrows under the pictures to reveal guidance and compare your ideas with ours:
I would split insulin for the first one. Adjust the other half after the absorption of alcohol
Malcolm should carb count throughout the day and adjust accordingly
For the 1st I would carb count and take an injection before and after pizza. Check again before alcohol.
The 2nd I would carbon count throughout the day and adjust if need be.
I would split the insulin and keep eye on blood sugars for first one
And second one would carb count through out day and adjust if need be
I would split insulin for the first one. Adjust the other half after the absorption of alcohol
Malcolm should carb count throughout the day and adjust accordingly
zola should take insulin half before the meal and half after as she is having pizza. Malcom should carb count and take insulin throughout the day.
Estimate insulin for a std Pizza and inject about 20 mins before. Review BG levels and apply a correction factor. If you have a sensor.
Fast acting when food arrives
Sorry, I couldn’t see all the stages & info given. For a meal out in the evening I would suggest 2 injections maybe before & during.
For the wedding I would suggest several injections spaced out through the day & a lot of checking of blood sugars.
Regular doses of basal throughout the day
Unless Zola knows what she is having and when it will be served she should ask the serving staff when it will be coming and air on the side of caution and do a top up fast acting when the food arrives.