Managing the risk of hypoglycaemia with alcohol

The most significant risk if you’re drinking and you have diabetes is hypoglycaemia. Alcohol interferes with the liver’s usual ability to process and release glucose as the liver is busy breaking down the alcohol.  

Click on each image to find out more about how you can prevent a hypo when drinking and what to do in case you have one: 

Hypos can be mistaken for drunkenness - so carry ID, inform friends and carry treatment for hypos or have access to foods.
Check your glucose levels regularly
Evening drinking can increase risk of hypos before lunch the next day so you may benefit from reducing your breakfast insulin dose.
If you have been drinking in the evening and have been more active, think about taking more carbohydrate such as a snack before going to bed.
If you’ve had a bit too much there's a risk that you won’t recognise your hypo symptoms or be able to treat it in time. Have some diabetes ID and make sure friends know when to seek medical help for you.

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