What are the guidelines for health and drinking alcohol?
Click on the items below for more information:
The advice for healthy amounts of alcohol is the same for men and women. To keep the health risks from alcohol to a low level, if you drink most weeks:
- do not drink more than 14 units a week regularly
- spread your drinking over 3 or more days if you regularly drink as much as 14 units a week
- if you want to cut down, try to have several alcohol-free days each week
- 14 units is equivalent to 6 pints of average-strength beer or 10 small glasses of low-strength wine.
- 1/2 pint of beer, lager (3.5%vol)
- 1 (25ml) measure of spirits (40%vol)
- 1 small (125ml) glass of wine (9%vol ) (NB: most wine is 11-13%)

Despite containing less sugar, diet products still contain large amounts of alcohol. "Light" and "low alcohol" beer and wine do contain less alcohol but can also contain a lot of sugar (10 - 20g CHO for a can or bottle of beer and up to 50g sugar in a bottle of alcohol-free wine).
- Remember that alcoholic drinks are also high in calories, so could be considered if you are aiming to lose weight.
Please see more information about calculating your usual alcohol and calorie intake and what is healthy on the links below:
Drinkaware unit and calorie calculator
Very useful info
Nowadays, it is much more acceptable to not drink alchohol when socialising. I feel quite at ease having. lime soda whilst my freinds are drinking beer. The point at which it gets more difficult is when they go for pint No. 5 and I have had enough lime and soda!
Helpful but 😔 does make socialising with your mates when all around you are drinking harder! I keep these events few and far between as the temptation to say “let’s just do what we used too” is always there!
Depressing but very useful