
Take a look at some advice about what to pack so that you’re as prepared as you can be.

Split your supplies into two or three batches in case disaster strikes and one of your bags goes missing or gets stolen. You may want to put supplies in a friend’s or family member’s bag. 

If you’re travelling by plane, keep all supplies in your hand luggage – the hold of an aircraft gets pretty chilly and this may affect the functioning of your kit and your insulin! You can usually take two hand luggage bags onto a plane. 

Pack plenty of quick-acting carbohydrates, for treating hypos, so that they’re readily available to you at all times. You may not be able to get hold of something urgently if you are travelling overnight, have language barriers or simply don’t like the food on your transport! 

Consider taking breakfast or muesli bars, biscuits or fruit as a longer-acting carbohydrate to keep with you after treating an initial hypo. 

Pack a small rucksack or cool bag so you can carry all your kit and glucose around at all times whilst on holiday. 

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