Diabetes Distress
Living with an unpredictable health condition can be extremely challenging, so it is understandable for people to experience some difficult thoughts and feelings about their diabetes.
Watch the following video to learn more about distress and burnout:
See how people living with diabetes say that the challenges of juggling their condition alongside the demands of day-to-day life can, at times, make them feel:
– Overwhelmed with what needs to be learned/done to live well with diabetes
– Frustrated or angry at diabetes and what it asks of them
– Guilty about their numebrs, e.g. HbA1c
– Sadness comparing life now to before diabetes came along
These are some possible emotions linked to living with diabetes, and are examples of something called “diabetes distress”. They can last from a few seconds through to minutes, hours, or even days and weeks at a time. Diabetes distress is not another diagnosis, it is a rational and common emotional response to the demands of living with a long-term health condition.
Evidence from research shows that 1 in 4 people with Type 1 diabetes have a high level of diabetes distress at any one time, and this is likely to be having a negative impact on how they manage their diabetes.
Hover over the images below to see how Naomi and Ella cope with diabetes distress:
I will neglect my diabetes care a bit more when I'm stressed about other things in life.
But on the flip side, when there's great stuff going on in my life, then I'm quite motivated to take care of my diabetes, so it works both ways."
So, I have less ability to deal with other stuff that comes my way.
I think my response to diabetes day to day, it depends on what else is going on in my life."
The level of diabetes distress people experience can vary over time, and may be more severe during periods of stress. A helpful analogy is the “stress bucket”. Imagine a bucket you carry around that gradually fills up every time you experience something difficult or stressful. Everyday tasks like work, finances, and chores, can also add to your bucket. When you go through a particularly difficult time, it is normal for your bucket to feel quite full – it can even feel like the bucket is overflowing. During these periods, it can be harder to think about, and make time for diabetes self-care, which can increase the chance of experiencing diabetes distress.
What sorts of thoughts and feelings do you experience about living with diabetes day to day?
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Totally agree
100% agree
Experienced most of the emotions above and sometimes feels sorry for myself asking why me.
As above I have never heard of diabetes burnout, but thinking back have probably experienced it
I never heard of diabetic distress or burnout before, but I have been experiencing both for quite some time. Some days are harder than others.
100% agree
Definitely experienced all of these emotions
I am currently having diabeties distress. i constantly feel depressed about it and have been avoiding checking and looking after myself properly. I also have a lot of other things going on with cause me stress. I have a appointment with a diabetic team this week and i am looking at slowly getting myself on track.
I have never actually heard of the term Diabetic Distress, but it does make sense as I have felt definite distress from time to time.
Diabetic distress I think we have all experienced at sometime. The important thing is to speak to someone and to acknowledge that you are not alone