On paper, managing diabetes sounds pretty straightforward – take insulin to manage your glucose levels by matching it to the amount of carbohydrate in the foods you eat.  However, those who live with diabetes know it is much more complex. Diabetes can be very practical, physically, and emotionally demanding. It is a 24/7 job that involves constant thought and effort.  

It is very common for people with diabetes to experience various emotions that can seem unpredictable and confusing at times. Below are some common feelings that people with diabetes experience. Everyone is different, but you may relate to some of these – you’re not alone. You may feel: 

  • worried 
  • annoyed 
  • scared 
  • blamed 
  • sad 
  • angry 
  • guilty 
  • ashamed 
  • punished 
  • frustrated 
  • embarrassed 

People also experience lots of different thoughts about their diabetes. You might have noticed your mind saying some of these things to you: 

  • “Why me?”  
  • “I am different.” 
  • “No one understands how hard it is.” 
  • “I might look stupid.” 
  • “People will think I am drunk (during a hypo episode).” 
  • “I will be out of control.” 
  • “I’ve done really badly.” 
  • “I wish I could be more spontaneous.” 
  • “I’m going to develop complications.” 
  • “It’s overwhelming.” 

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