

Welcome to Understanding Type 1 Diabetes!  The information contained in this course comes in a variety of different types: information to read, videos to watch, links to other websites, interesting stories from other people with type 1 diabetes who have shared their experiences, and activities and quizzes to help you understand more about how to manage situations […]

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Good Luck!

Thank you for taking our Growing Up With Type 1 Diabetes Course. We hope this might have answered some of the questions you had. You should now feel much more confident about managing your diabetes and we hope you have taken away from the course the knowledge that having diabetes needn’t stop you from leading a normal

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Illegal Drug Use

More than one-third of people over 16 have taken an illegal drug at some point, and overall rates of drug use aren’t changing very much. As a young person – particularly if you go to clubs or festivals – you might come into contact with either illegal drugs or their users. Diabetes can put you at increased

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Alcohol and Diabetes

Hopefully, you’ve already gone through our Understanding Type 1 Diabetes Course – if you haven’t, the alcohol section is fairly comprehensive in telling you what you need to know.  In this part of the course we will remind you of some of the key points associated with alcohol and in particular how they relate to young people with type 1 diabetes.  Most

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