Thank you so much for taking the time to help us evaluate the new BERTIE course. Your honest feedback is invaluable in this process so that we can create the best version of the course to support people living with type 1 diabetes.

Please complete the questionnaire below after you have had a look over the course. Please click on the ‘Home’ button to start and then click on ‘Evaluation’ on the main navigation bar to return to the questionnaire.

Please complete the questionnaire below:

Are you a:(Required)
Have you trialled the new BERTIE diabetes platform?
What device did you use to login?
How long did you spend using BERTIE in TOTAL?
Tick which one best applies to you
Which BERTIE modules did you complete?
Tick all that apply to you

Accessibility and Navigation

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
The landing page was welcoming
Registering was straightforward
Returning to log in again to continue learning after registration was straightforward
I was able to reset my password successfully
The introduction to the course was clear (I knew what to expect from the introduction)
It was clear to me which topics and modules I had already completed each time I logged back into BERTIE
When I finished a topic it was easy to find my way to the next topic
The links to navigate to other sections always worked
The titles of each module and topic were clear and described what was included
I was able to search for topics I was interested in

Look and Feel

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
The images used were appropriate
The colours used were inviting / pleasing
The font was a good size for me
I could view the content easily on my screen
The experiences of those with type 1 diabetes was present throughout the course (quotes / videos / opportunities to add and read other people’s thoughts on topics)
The language used throughout was appropriate
The language used throughout was understandable
The course did not feel repetitive
The videos looked professional


Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
The Key Learning Module covered all the topics I would have expected
The Carbohydrate Counting Module covered all the topics I would have expected
The topics in Living with Diabetes Modules covered all the topics I would have expected
The Emotional Wellbeing and Diabetes Module covered all the topics I would have expected
I worked through all the modules and topics in order
I picked and chose the information I was interested in to look at (rather than follow through the course in order)
The balance of learning activities was good (eg text /videos / interactive activities / quotes from people with diabetes)
I liked the videos
I liked the animations
I liked the worksheets
I liked the quizzes
The level of education (depth of information) offered was just right
The length of the topics and modules was just right
The length of the course as a whole is just right
The topics available and the look of the course is appropriate for all ages
The content of the course felt inclusive
Completion of this course would help people with type 1 diabetes improve their knowledge and understanding of diabetes management
Completion of this course would increase the confidence of those with type 1 diabetes in managing their diabetes
I would recommend this course to others with type 1 diabetes

Final Thoughts

Please click the submit button below

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